Building a website is the easy part, but if you don’t have a system which can find you qualified leads & converts them into profitable clients, then you are wasting your money.
If you thought you were set, now you have a website. It turns out you’re not getting enough traffic to the site nor are you converting people once they even make it there. That’s a problem because what’s the point if people aren’t finding you online or buying your services?
Our goal is to build a Marketing Conversion Funnel that lowers the cost of acquisition of your clients while simultaneously increasing immediate and lifetime customer value…
You will soon see that by providing a ton of value, communicating effectively with your audience, and building out your sales marketing processes in a very strategic way, you can get your product, service or message out to your ideal clients.
If you keep providing more and more value, people will spend more and more money with you.
Think of your marketing message as a line stretching from a starting point and your end goal. The path leads your prospect from your initial contact with them to your ultimate goal, of turning them into customers for life.
Your goal is getting your customers to come knocking at your door again & again.
The purpose of any and all of your marketing must be to move your prospect closer to buying.
Are You going to be Strategic Marketer with a system that works? Or… Are you, relying on haphazard marketing, just bumbling along, hoping there enough cash in the bank to pay the wages?
The Odds Of Success Starting A Business
You have a better chance of picking a winner at the Melbourne Cup, than succeeding in business.
If you’re not strategic, then you’re not in bad company, as this is what most businesses do, just gambling, praying the dice rolls there way.
Have you ever seen a poor casino?
So, Why would you gamble on your families livelihood, trying to run your business, without having a system which turns qualified prospects into Buyers…
Here’s The Challenges Facing Small Businesses
When I talk to small business owners, they’re always telling me, how hard business is.
- Your margins are shrinking…
- You’re working longer hours, to get the same result, for a lesser return…
- Your sales cycle seems to take forever…
- More and more competitors are trying to buy business, by working at cost or below, hoping they survive, till the business turns around (a death wish)…
- The bigger players are hurting, so they’re moving into your space, trying to steal your business away from you…
- There seems to be no loyalty, customers vote with their wallets and are going for the cheapest price…
- And there’s just no time for your family…or yourself.
90% of business will fail to make the first 2 years, and it gets worse as only 5% survive 5 years -ABS
On Average of 44 small businesses closing their doors each day, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics data
“To us, that’s a significant indicator of where the economy is at, an economy that is growing strongly is one that creates more businesses,”
Gavan Ord, Business Policy Adviser at CPA Australia – Number of businesses in Australia continues to stagnate: ABS
Gavan Ord
Business Policy Adviser at CPA Australia
This paints a disturbing picture.
Why is this so? You started out with passion, drive and fresh ideas only to get battered by an indifferent market.
As loud as you yell, no one hears you because you’re competing with all the noise.
If only people could see, or hear your message, it would make all the difference.
Your message gets lost in the crowd
When I review businesses, I have noticed even though they have great products and services. They fail to stand out from the crowd.As you delve deeper. It’s clear, most small business owners lack marketing skills.
Only a few businesses, get marketing. Would have a marketing system, that consistently delivers qualified prospects, who want to buy your products or use your services to solve their problem.
Many small business owners believe marketing, is just a strange voodoo, to trick customers into doing business with you.
Nothing could be further from the truth. (Yes there are some charlatans out there, who would sell their grandmother if they thought they could make a buck.)
As Peter Drucker (regarded as the father of modern business management) often quoted
Marketing is a skill all business owners need to acquire, to survive and grow, their businesses.
As the GFC unfolded, the smart businesses invested & built in Marketing Systems which, just kept pumping money in, so they could buy market share.
If your competition slashed their marketing budget, then you should be jumping in & investing to lure their customers away.
Stop marketing, and your business will die…It’s not a choice. Either, you get a Marketing System, or you’ll be closing your doors.
You don’t want to be the next lifeless business. Do You?
So most business owners struggle to unravel the so called mysteries of Marketing.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of listening so the so Called marketing experts, more like marketing criminals, flogging their magic dust. More like bulldust.
If that’s not bad enough, you constantly bombarded with latest & greatest silver marketing bullet, which promises to slay dragons & puts pots of gold at your feet.
So let’s look at these and see if they will take you to the promised land (of making more sales) or are they just a myth.
The good news is, if you know how to find the right people and send them the right messages, you will have less business competing with you. Your business will capture a larger share of the marketing, making more sales, larger profits and save you money as well.
No one’s listening…
These untargeted messages get swallowed in the maze of confusion. There buried in a sea of noise.
If I Asked Small Business Owners, “What’s The No 1 Problem In Business?
- It’s…Not enough sales
- They want more Cashflow
- The sales process takes too long
When you boil it down, all 3 stem from the same root problem, not talking to qualified prospects.
If you just take one action from reading this, you’ll soon see more sales and profits.If you’re not talking to people who are looking for a solution, then you’re wasting your time and money.
Still with me? Good! I knew you would be – even though you hate to admit it – this isn’t anything you don’t already know. Right?
Stop marketing, and your business will die.
It’s not a choice.
Either, you get marketing, or you’ll be closing your doors.
But how do you pick the right marketing method, when there are so many possibilities.
Sacha Chua – Business Planning – Marketing Pieces –
Every week I’m Bombarded with the latest marketing Silver Bullet.
You probably seem them all, like…
- There’s a new Adwords gimmick
- Retargeting…
- Blogging…
- Pinterest…
- LinkedIn & more…
They all claim to send traffic to your website, so then you can drive 100’s, even 1000’s of people to your website, but very few stick around.
Ask yourself, “how many sales did you make? Did you make any?
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If you’re learning new tactics like Twitter, Blogging or Facebook Advertising, you’ll need to keep reminding yourself that tactics needs to be part of a well-thought system. Otherwise, you’re wasting time and money.
Warning: There’s little profit in understanding, for example, Facebook Advertising in and of itself. There is an enormous benefit in applying your understanding of Facebook Advertising to your marketing.
All these tactics are useless without a well thought out marketing system.
There only 3 ways to grow a business according to legendary marketer Jay Abraham.
There only 3 ways to grow a business according to legendary marketer Jay Abraham.
- Increase the number of customers…
- Increase the average transaction value per customer…
- Increase the number of transactions per customer
The path that leads your prospect from your initial contact with them to the ultimate goal of them becoming a customer for life.
Your goal is getting your customers to come knocking at your door again & again.
The purpose of any and all of your marketing must be to move your prospect closer to buying.
Break this rule, and their business will struggle because people won’t find them.
It’s Business Suicide.
The game has just changed – Now Small Business can compete and dominate their market by seizing the as much qualified prospects with funnel opportunities, as they unfold.
If a marketing funnel isn’t a part of your business strategy, then your already fallen behind the curve—and your competition.
The size of your budget doesn’t determine the success of your marketing anymore. Your Marketing Funnel allows you to build relationships with people who need your service, at a fraction of the cost of advertising.
You will be able to do this because you will be sending the Right Message to the Right People using the Right Media, so you will generate high-quality traffic, & convert those visitors into profitable customers.
I get asked by a lot of companies.
“Can you help me get more traffic to my website.”
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If you ask most business.
“Are they happy with the amount of traffic their website generates?”
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“Do they know how this traffic converts?”
Click to Tweet
Most business owners want more traffic and have no clue if it produces any extra business.
Usually getting more traffic is not the real problem, because you can always get more traffic. If you have a marketing funnel, which takes visitors through a system and converts them into customers, then you can always get more traffic.
With most websites, only 2% of visitors, convert into sales. If you can increase this conversion, then you will dramatically increase your income.
If you don’t get their attention, everything else you do is simply just a waste of time…
No Attention = No Revenue = No Business Conversion
Ultimately, you must convert attention into a sale and to do that. You basically have 2 options
- Attempt to convert the attention into a lead or…
- Attempt to convert the attention directly into a sale
With a Marketing System, we build a system, so you can spend more to acquire a customer than your competitors.It doesn’t have to be perfect – Most people who try to be perfect, never get started
Is going to be perfect straight out the gate – Heck no, Once its launched we can keep tweaking to gets better results.
Your Customer’s Lifetime Value
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) your projected revenue that your customer will generate during their lifetime…or
Your annual customer revenue X average life of a customer (in years
When you know exactly what each new customer is worth to your business, you will know how much money you can spend in marketing to get that customer…
Each of these new customers you bring in will immediately represent much more to your bottom line profits, than you’ve ever thought possible…
Each new customers will catapult your profits by compounding the Customer Lifetime Value Concept…
Repeat customers put heaps of money in your pocket…
Your business needs to understand the importance of Lifetime value of its clients.
You must continue to treat customers as your most valuable asset. You don’t want them to feel like they’ve been dropped off the face of the earth as soon you have their money.
The purpose is to embrace them and make them feel like they’re appreciated. You’re looking to build an ongoing relationship that keeps providing them with service, so they keep handing over money.
The goal of your business, to build long- term profitable relationship with each and every client you get.
It’s not what you sell: it’s What Else you Sell that’s important…
That’s the whole point to the system and process of direct marketing.
New customers (the front-end) are the lifeblood of any business. But most of the profits come from the additional sales we make to those same clients (the Back-end) The more money made on the back-end, the more you can afford to spend acquiring new clients.
And whoever can pay the most to acquire a new client, will ultimately dominate their market and competitors.
As most people advertising are trying to reach the Most Aware which makes up 3% of people. These are the most expensive people to target. We will have a campaign for these people.
Do They Want What You’re Offering?
What Does Your Prospect Already Know?
To make sure you are not wasting money on advertising, we need to determine what they already know. So can work out if this needs to be Direct or Indirect ads.
The easiest way to figure out if you should come at a sales lead idea, head on or sidle up to it indirectly is to figure out where your prospect falls on the scale of Awareness…
Breakthrough Advertising By Eugene Schwartz
In the rare Breakthrough Advertising, which if you get a new copy you would be looking at investing $1,117.75 at Amazon Copywriter Eugene Schwartz explains this…
If they’re more aware, then the more direct sales lead usually will work best…• If they’re less aware, then the more indirect you’re going to want to go with…This great rule to follow, when advertising, it will save you a ton of money.So now we need to find your ideal clients…
Average Website Conversion Rates, By Industry
If you’re not strategic, then you’re just making it up as you go along like most businesses do.
.That 7% average conversion rate is reflected in a MarketingSherpa study on website conversion rates.
We could try to get into a deep & meaningful discussion, on what is the definition of website conversion.
A conversion rate refers to any goal a marketer wants, from selling product, to a lead form fill, newsletter subscription or even free-trial software download.
So if we take the average 7%, that means 93% of visitors are leaving your website without taking action.
You now have access to the tools to market to 93% leaving your website…
The Numbers Don’t Lie…
Most business owners I work with initially believe they suffer from a traffic problem, which impacts their conversion.
Yet when you dig a deeper, web traffic & getting them to convert is only a symptom of not having a stable & reliable marketing funnel.
The numbers don’t lie. Most businesses compete for 2-7% of those who will take action in the first 7 days. So these are the most expensive people to reach.
93% of visitors are leaving your website without taking action...
The real money to be made is converting the 35% to 45% who take action in the next 90 days.
So the goal is to find & start a conversion with 35% to 45%, adding value, till they are ready to take action.
The reason most businesses struggle to acquire new customers because they keep making offers to cold prospects.
Your competitors believe that if they just get more web traffic, they will make more sales. Sadly this is wrong because if you look at the wasted money, spent on ads targeting targeted keyword, then they just send them to a Homepage.
If you’re buying ads with only 2-10% chance of getting them to take action, then up against the odds.Just because they’re searching does not mean, they will take action straight away.
It’s no wonder website conversion numbers are so low.
93% of visitors are leaving your website without taking action…
So Why Don’t They Buy…
- Just because there searching does not mean, they want it…
- Just because you know your prospects really need it…
- That doesn’t mean they know they need it…
- Nor does it mean they want it from you if they do…
- Nor does it mean they want it from you if they do. (At least not yet.)
In other words, do they want what you’re offering?
Wasted Advertising…
If you look at these ads a where they take you, there’s sameness, Offering discounted price. This is not a competitive advantage because, you’re selling from your heels, hoping you have the cheapest price, till the next competitor, comes along with an even lower price.
These are the ads which show when you search Commercial Ovens.
The Green lines are relevant ads for commercial ovens.
You see I show you what happens when you click on the ad.
The Red lines are ads showing which are domestic ovens, so are not relevant.
The reason these companies are struggling to make sales is their lost in a sea “buy my product because it’s cheap”. They offer no compelling reason to buy from them, (except if you call being cheap a good enough reason).
To stand out you should be providing heaps of value, communicating effectively with your audience, and building your own sales process, in a strategic way, rather than copying everybody else.
Waste Is The Biggest Enemy Of Getting More Profitable Clients…
Not making sales is like cancer because it compounds on itself, creating bigger frustrations.
No money, Not enough time, & you Can’t afford the resources to get the job done, so you become a slave to your business.
I don’t want you wasting your valuable resources on people that have very little chance of using your services or, what’s more, can’t afford to pay for it.
Systematising both your marketing and selling makes acquiring and growing customers easier and more cost effective.
Your marketing needs to be focused on the starving crowd, offering your big, exciting, highly-desirable results, which solves their problem.
The One Immutable Law of Business Growth…
So you need to build a system in which you can pay more to acquire a client than your competitors.
Online advertising works as an auction environment. So whoever earns the most money from each visitor wins. The rest get priced out of the market.
Your competitors are pitching to the 7% and trying to make a living from them.
Most people are not ready to buy, So we need to put them into Marketing funnel…So how do you do this?
You Need A System
I call it the Getting More Customers because it takes prospects through a systematic process creating profitable clients, like a production line…
With the Getting More Customers, we build a system in which you can spend more to acquire a customer than your competitors. You Win.
Mapping Out The Steps & Process in Your Marketing Funnel
I like to map out the process with Post-it Notes first
This is a photo of a Marketing funnel, I was working on…
Once we have a framework it’s time to map how how all the processes work together
I have mapped this out to make this process simple.
With the Getting More Customers, we build a system in which you can spend more to acquire a customer than your competitors. You Win.
Mapping Your Marketing Funnel
I have mapped this out to make this process simple
So what are the steps in building your Marketing Funnel?
So To Get Started On Marketing Funnel We Will Focus On These 5 Areas
- Market Insight – Understanding Your Market…
- Who – Who are the ideal prospects?…
- Where – Where Can You Find Them?…
- 4. Bait – What Bait Will You Use to attract them?…
- Result – What Results do you want to give them?…
So let’s dive in…
Market Monitoring
A lot of business get freaked out by their competition.
Relax competition is a healthy sign there’s money to made in this industry.
You always want to see businesses advertising in Google AdWords because this means they’re a market who are willing to buy.
Are There Any Google AdWords For Your Search?
Commercial Dishwashers has Google AdWords
Seeing AdWords in your Google search shows commercial intent your competition is prepared to pay to reach this audience…
No Google AdWords for Lecturing
There are no AdWords so it’s more likely your competitors have not found a way to monetise these ads…
It’s now time to analyses your competitors, so reverse engineer their sales process & find gaps in their marketing…
Examining Your Competition
Now we can build a Strategic Marketing funnel which you can spend more to acquire a customer than your competitors…
Who Is Your Ideal Customers?
Knowing your customer is your biggest leverage point for all your marketing, product development and improvements, sales and profitability.
It’s the primary factor in growing your business.
Get To Know Your Ideal Customers?
So why not invest the time in understanding your prospects, fears, pains and desires…
The person who can articulate the client’s problem is perceived to know how to best solve the problem…
Once you know their frustrations and irrational fears, you can target these pains, with messages that resonate with them.
This simple change in your marketing can pay huge dividends…We use this to help build your ideal customer profile…
Where Do You Find Them?
Once you’ve done your research, you will have a good idea, how to reach these people…
It’s well know that the person who can articulate the client’s problem, is perceived to know how the best way to solve the problem.
Articulate someone’s problem better than they can• What might they have tried before that didn’t work?What are they Afraid of?
What are their potential objections?
How Do I Get Traffic To My Website?
Sending the right message to the right people is the number one secret in marketing.
Get this right and you will dominate your market because you’re tapping into the conversation that’s already going on in your prospects head
The 3 Types Of Traffic
- 1. Traffic You Control – PPC Pay-per-click ads (FaceBook, YouTube, Adwords, etc.), Native Ads, Banner ads – You control this traffic when you have the ability to tell it where to go…
- 2. Traffic You Don’t Control – Social Media, SEO, YouTube – You don’t any control over where it comes from or where it goes…
- 3. Traffic You Own – This is your Email list & the relationship you have with it. You can send out email anytime, without any marketing costs, as long as you have been providing valuable content a portion will respond to your offers…
It starts with understanding how each type traffic works & how they work together. Then you will have the ability to direct the right traffic to your right offers, converting the highest number of prospects into buyers and repeat clients.
Your No 1 goal is to OWN as much traffic you can get. That’s how you grow your list and increase your sales…
Traffic you own is your BEST TRAFFIC
What Bait Will You Use To Attract Your Ideal Customer?
Once you know who your ideal customers & know where to find, then we need to find right bait to attract them.
What’s a Lead Magnet?
We call this a Lead Magnet or Money Magnets, which a small “chunk” of value solving a SPECIFIC problem for a SPECIFIC market in exchange for an opt-in.
Lead magnet highlights the problem & gives enough information, so they want to find out more.
A Lead Magnet could downloadable PDF Report, Videos, Mindmap, Cheat Sheet, Infographic or whatever format thats easy for you to get produced…
Combi Oven Lead Magnet
Client: Sydney Commercial Kitchens
Purpose: To help Restaurants & Cafes realise the benefits of getting a Combi Oven…
Overseas car Leasing Lead Magnet
Client: globalCars
Purpose: To Show the benefits of short term Leasing of cars when travelling oversea….
Wedding Flowers Lead Magnet
Client: globalCars
Purpose: Helping Brides to know which Wedding Flowers are in season…
How Does The Bait (Lead Magnet) Works…
- The ad offers a Lead Magnet, which sends them to a web page called a Landing or Squeeze Page that is optimised to convert even cold traffic into leads…
- Once they click on the ad, we will drive them to a Landing Page…
- The Landing page is designed to get people to make Micro commitments, by giving them name & email – now we have permission to market to them…
- The Name & Email get added to your Autoresponder…
Here Some landing pages we have built for clients
Unique Wedding Flowers Landing Page
AWE Group Landing Page
Sydney Commercial Kitchens Landing Page
What Results Do You Want To Give Them?
Now your hooked your ideal customer with the perfect bait, the question, is what result do you want to give them?
This not about your products or services you offer.
Your business should focus on the results you can get for your clients.
Your goal should be to help your customer achieve their desired end result…
The Return Path…
FACT: Most sales won’t occur on the first visit…
…and that’s why you MUST follow up.
Most people are not ready to buy. So we need to put them into Return Path…
For those who don’t buy they will be put into an Engagement Email Sequence, using an Autoresponder.
They will go through a series of Emails designed to move people through your marketing funnel. They will be educated & persuaded on Taking action.
But it’s not just email…
So we will be crafting extra Return Paths to Increase the number of touches your prospects…
- Constant Communication
- Exit Offers
- Retargeting
- Automated Follow Up
Lead with Value…
Solve fear pain & frustration of prospects
- Teach…
- Provide Value…
- Make An Offer…
Each of these steps has many processes underneath the bonnet.
To craft the series if emails you needs to fill in GMC-Autoresponder Company Profile.
And, if you can increase more than one of them, the benefits will quickly compound, and you’ll make a LOT more money.
How to Build Marketing Funnel Which Converts Qualified Prospects Into Profitable Clients
So What’s the Next Stage…
Getting More Customers provides a system for identifying the pains, frustrations and desires of your ideal clients, so you can create raving fans by educating them, delivering a solution the prospects are looking for…
The good news is, if you know how to find the right people and send them the right messages, you will have less business competing with you. Your business will capture a larger share of the marketing, making more sales, larger profits and save you money as well.
Perfection stops Implementation. It doesn’t have to be perfect you just need to start, then we can fine tune it.
Our Steps In Creating Your Marketing Funnel To achieve Your Desired Outcomes
We create a fully functioning Marketing Funnels so you can to sell more of products or services…
Each of these steps has many processes underneath the bonnet.
So You Have 2 choices
- Try to implement these steps yourself…
- Let me help you to create a powerful funnel, which pumps out money…
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed creating it for you. If you are serious getting more profitable customers, then you’re probably going to want to have a look at Getting More Customers Marketing Systems.
It’s a tailor-made marketing funnel, designed for your business which attracts & converts qualified prospects into Profitable Customers, without a lot of effort, just like a production like…